Olympic Ceremony 2012-Pagan Ritual Exposed!!!- part 5

Part 5 – Opened Portals & Drums of War!


Listen to the Part 5 Here:  Part 5

Program Notes: Notes and Images

Watchmans Cry Alert! – The End Times New World Order is Upon Us! 

During the recent opening ceremony of 2012, the pagan mystics of the New World Order conducted a veiled satanic ritual before a worldwide television audience.

Unfortunately, most of the people watching had no clue that it happened because it was hidden in plain site. The ramifications of this ritual are serious and significant.

Ladies and gentleman, I am sending this message as an alert that part of the recent ceremony was dedicated to opening spiritual gateways and portals to the underworld.

As a result, dark forces have been loosed and are going to wreak evil and havoc on this world!

This audio message will expose what they did and also explains how serious this situation has become.

The demonic forces that were loosed are going to bring this planet to World War. And folks, this thing is already in motion.

The world is on the brink of world war and great spiritual forces are at work trying to make sure that it will happen.

Therefore these things concern all of us. The time to prepare is growing short.

Also, please make note that this new plague of evil is not just limited to war. It is going to infect all of society.

Conclusion: the recent opening of the gateway to the underworld is going to bring an onslaught of evil.

Therefore the Zombie Apocalypse is upon us!

Christians must prepare to strengthen the hearts and minds towards Jesus.

Please share this series with your friends and family.

God Bless,
Nathan Leal


Listen to the Part 5 Here:  Part 5

Program Notes: Notes and Images

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