By Paul McGuire
December 1, 2014

Escape Oblivion and Overcome Powerlessness in the „Have Mind”

Whether you acknowledge it or not, your consciousness is plugged into the Matrix and the “Hive Mind.” You believe that your life is hopeless and that you are powerless to change things in your life and world. But what is your world? Your thoughts, dreams, beliefs, and identity are largely manufactured by a global media grid operated by a “World Brain,” with a computer-brain interface. What you believe is the “real you” is a synergy of social media and often subliminal messages projected into your consciousness 24/7 by a multi-dimensional broadband spectrum of images, words, music, EMF waves, and a neurological fountain of brain chemicals strategically triggered by GMO foods and their myriad chemical additives and by chemicals added to your drinking water and air.

From your very infancy to the present you are the product of stealth social engineering which has artificially suppressed your “right brain,” which has the power to enable you to see the big picture. Just like the tiny offices that many people work in, your brain and your ability to think have been artificially reduced to the size of a small cubicle. Your consciousness, which has the genetic capacity to access the infinite, has been socially engineered to fit into a small box inside your brain, making it nearly impossible for you to believe that you have the power to change your life.

Yet you believe with the fervency of a religious zealot that you can see things clearly and that you are a realist. How can you possibly see things clearly and realistically from the perspective of a small cubicle? Then, believing the lies of the Matrix and the illusion thatyou call reality, you decide to act in extremely negative, destructive, anti-social, harmful, and illegal ways. These actions can be in the form of abusing people psychologically and physically, addictions, cheating on your spouse, violence, anger, and even suicide.

But at the core of your perceived powerlessness, frustration, rage, depression, anxiety, fear, and the illusion you are helpless is the inner belief that has locked you in the Matrix-like prison inside of your mind. The walls of this virtual prison have been constructed by your consciousness over time, built upon layer upon layer of cynicism and negativity reinforced by the media culture. Just look at the content of what is called comedy. The comedian and the comedic film or television show causes you to laugh, but leaves you more empty than before and pollutes your consciousness with cynicism, despair, negativity, and the existential lie that there is no way out.

Added to this are countless images, words, and subliminal information pouring into your mind and subconscious and convincing you that your true identity is one of a victim. Obviously, a victim cannot be responsible for his fate because it was created by someone or something else with far more power. Accepting the identity of the victim frees you from the guilt and the responsibility to do something about it if you choose. As a victim you can rest the kind of rest that a powerful narcotic like heroin gives; it is a psychic rest of “oblivion,” or the rest of death. You can rest in the “oblivion” of being helpless. The famous rock’n’roll guitarist for the Rolling Stones, Keith Richards, when asked why he shot up heroin for many years, answered because it brought him to a place of “oblivion.”

Instead of accepting the truth of a power far greater than yourself to set you free, you can go for the quick fix of finding someone to hate for making you a victim. A multi-national corporation, a certain racial group, the one percent, this political party or that political party, the new world order, or any number of scapegoats will do. It is not that there may not be degrees of truth in some of these things, because there are. Without degrees of truth they would not be believable as scapegoats.

But as you do the math in your mind and work out the equations which will determine whether or not you will be a victim, it is essential that you factor into your equation certain truths, which are essentially game changers. For starters, you cannot understand your reality from inside a stupid cubicle! You are going to have to decide to break free the global-psychotronic-matrix-prison-industrial complex!

That is going to take total passion and total fearlessness! You are going to have to make a definite cerebral prison break. That means you are going to have stop wearing a striped prison uniform and working in the hot sun like in a scene in the movie classic Cool Hand Luke, starring Paul Newman, when the prison warden tried to psychologically intimidate Newman and the prisoners by saying the famous words, “What we here is a failure to communicate.” The reality is there is no failure to communicate. You have already been communicated with and if you want to be free, then you are going to have to act on what you know deep down inside.

For a moment, forget about all the stuff you have been told by religious people and religion when it comes to Jesus Christ. The reality is that most churches in America would actually call the police to arrest Christ if He showed up in one of their churches today, or at the very least accuse Him of being the devil. So completely forget about religion and just think about the words of Christ when He said “You shall know the truth and the truth will set you free.”He was giving you a major clue on how to become free of the Matrix. Do you think for a moment that Christ did not understand the nature of the Matrix? For crying out loud, Christ smashed through the multi-dimensional prison walls of the Matrix when His physical body disappeared from a prison called a tomb, surrounded by heavily armed Roman troops.

So, given your present circumstances, how do you personally escape the prison of the Matrix? The answer is found in complete simplicity and what at first appears to be adopting a position of powerlessness.Escaping the Matrix does not require some high level of sophistication. All you have to do to escape the Matrix is one thing: you first have to truly desire to escape the Matrix, and believe that it is possible. How do you find that kind of belief? The answer is you simply have to ask for the belief to be free of the Matrix. You have to come clean and ask to be free from the Matrix and ask for the power to change your life. This is not complex; it is profoundly simple. You ask like a little child would ask, by throwing aside all the intense analytical activity, your pseudo-intellectualism, and your so-called knowledge and just ask from the core of your being.

What happens next? It may be overwhelmingly dramatic or there may be no feeling at all. The point is that whether it is slow and on an incremental level, or overwhelmingly sudden, you will begin to discover that you have changed and that your life has changed. You will begin to know that you are not powerless and that your situation is not hopeless. The moment you ask like a little child, you will be released from the Matrix and unexplainable things will begin to happen.

As you push the off button on your pre-recorded messages of cynicism, anger, depression, rage, self-pity, anxiety, victimization, and learned helplessness that reverberate through the walls of your consciousness like sonic booms in an echo chamber, you will begin to hear a still small voice instructing you.

There will be times when you notice yourself soaring above the tiny cubicles of the old consciousness. Yes, you will soar with the wings of an eagle. Then slowly it will dawn upon you that you have been placed here for a reason and one of those reasons is to help open the prison doors for all those still trapped inside the Matrix-prison. Once you have soared above the cubicles of your former consciousness, you will understand that there is vast power available to change reality and that not all of reality is a fixed event; much of it can be changed and some of it cannot. But the fact is you are far from helpless and you can, if you choose access incredible power from another dimension.

Now we come to the question of our choice. Ultimately, you have to choose what you are going to do with all this. You could choose to simply shut it down and tell yourself you don’t believe it. That choice will guarantee life imprisonment in the Matrix. Or you could choose as countless others have to escape the Matrix. All I can tell you is that there are an awful lot of us who have found freedom and we are waiting here for you to join us.

Paul McGuire continues this topic in his new book, “Mass Event.”

© 2014 Paul McGuire – All Rights Reserved

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Chemtrails: The Conspiracy Theory That Never Was



The geoengineering programme has been going on for so long, is so well funded and was so carefully applied at the start that nobody noticed. But that was the intention. And when you have limitless amounts of money and a whole chain of command at your disposal with a ‘need to know’ clearance attached, not even the sky is the limit. Now they know they can get away with it they have become almost reckless with the trails. They know that the general population are so absorbed with the app’s on their latest iphone that they hardly have time to look up.

When I talk about this ‘out of the box’ stuff with people, I get asked questions that begin with: ‘why would they? How could they? As if we were talking about some kindly, gentle old grandma – and there is the problem. We live in an age of takeaway food, instant coffee and television ‘programmes’ but what comes with that, is an armchair reality. We are so used to having people pre-prepare our lives that we have lost the ability to apply reason and go seek the truth.

During my life there have been one or two people I have trusted who have let me down badly. They were people that I loved. It hurt. It was hard to move on but I have. I bear no grudges but I have a long memory. They were people that I thought I knew inside out. But I’ve lived and learned.

So I cannot understand this unshakable trust that people have in an unknown quantity of strangers who hold the questionable and loosely described position of ‘the powers that be.’ Especially as most of the time they operate in complete secrecy and so regularly demonstrate that they do not have our best interests at heart.

Corruption is evident throughout government, police, media, banking and corporations alike. When the need arises they rally to protect each other and close ranks to hide the evidence behind an impenetrable veil of secrecy. People’s protests are ignored, promises are broken, bonuses paid, expenses claimed and life at the top continues unabated.

Meanwhile, ordinary people are losing their jobs, their homes and their privacy. Thanks to CCTV we are watched in the street, in the shop, the garage, library, car park, school, hospital etc, etc – cameras can even be found in some school changing rooms. This is not a healthy state of affairs.

At home our on-line activity is followed and our personal details and preferences are shared among people we don’t even know. Some councils are encouraging us to spy on each other (as if the state wasn’t doing that well enough already) and then tell tales, something that responsible parents have always actively discouraged. 

We have endured generations of being controlled. We have accepted authority for the most part without question. We have followed the rules, often against our better judgement, while the rule makers have consistently broken the rules themselves – and all the while, the gap between the haves and have-nots grows exponentially yet still we trust that they will do the right thing  – eventually.

We should be asking who is benefiting from all this control? And who is controlling the controllers? – As they are clearly unable to control themselves most of the time.

What we are in real danger of losing for good, are all the most valuable and treasured gifts we inherited as human beings when we were born: Freedom, independence and privacy. The right to make choices for ourselves and our families – especially our children. The right to own our own property, grow our own food and have access to fresh water. It seems ridiculous to have to be saying it but I will add to this list the right to a safe, unpolluted, natural environment and a clean sky.

As sentient human beings we have always had an unbreakable connection to nature. But we are now living at a time when there is more outside interference in our natural lives than there has ever been. Food, climate and living standards are all being ‘engineered’ to some degree – and in a way, we asked for it.

We are constantly involved in wars with people we don’t know in countries that are as far from us in culture as they are in distance. But news programmes have taught us to accept what we are told and to believe what we are shown. Yet we live our lives to a very great degree within mass media where fact and fiction are almost indistinguishable from each other.

The only way most people measure truth these days is by the amount of faith they have in who is telling the story. Often their truth comes from just one newspaper or one television news programme that they follow without question. Despite this narrow conduit of knowledge they will defend that truth to the bitter end against all your hard-earned research on the internet and suddenly you are being described by them to others as a conspiracy theorist.  

And so to chemtrails. We all ‘know’ that the weather isn’t right, the sky is white or grey blue most of the time, there are droughts or floods and the trees are dying. The sunshine is lovely when we get it – but then it’s too hot. We all complain but it gets blamed on ‘global warming’ or ‘climate change’ and we’ve been persuaded to believe that it’s ‘all your fault’ – it isn’t!

Geoengineering has been discussed for years as a possible solution for ‘correcting’ the world’s weather. But all the while that discussions were taking place amongst recognized establishment scientists and government advisors it was already in place and in full swing, just adding to the climate confusion. They were having their discussions ‘in the dark’ so to speak anyway, because it had already been sanctioned and financed by people at a much higher level with the necessary connections to the military.

So, if this is true, what are their objectives?

Here are my conclusions based on available evidence and the work of leading researchers at the sharp end.

A. To weaponize  the atmosphere for HAARP/Scalar technology (completed).


The particulates in aerosols which are now permanently present in our atmosphere due to continual replenishment by aircraft, have allowed the atmosphere to accept a current. The atmosphere is naturally non-conductive  this means in effect that it has now been weaponized.


B. To dominate all agriculture/seed production using weather as a weapon


By heating the ionosphere using HAARP, the jet stream can be moved. Weather systems can be manipulated denying chosen areas their natural rainfall. Storms can be propagated or snowfall created – in fact almost any kind of weather event can be manufactured for political or financial advantage.   


C. To ultimately have control of the world’s population using A and B above (Agenda 21). 

But it appears that there is also a further and more sinister objective.

Although information through normal channels is limited, it has nevertheless been clearly established by researchers such as Clifford Carnicom, Sofia Smallstorm and others, that part of the aerosol programme is to facilitate the implementation of a trans-humanist agenda without our consent. Therefore we must add:

D. The combining of the natural human system with nano technology.


This involves the changing of our blood, tissue and DNA – and to some extent the evidence to date indicates that this has already been achieved. 

Sofia Smallstorm’s presentation ‘From Chemtrails to Pseudo Life’ is well researched and should be watched by anyone that thinks this is all conspiracy theory. Sofia’s website is called: About The Sky

Morgellons disease has now been shown to be a direct consequence of a body’s intolerance to the microscopic fibres and nano technology found in aerosol chemtrails that we are all breathing. There are now many thousands of sufferers worldwide. Visit


Above: Morgellons fibres seen exiting the skin from painful lesions. Many people are covered in these lesions from head to foot.

Clifford Carnicom’s site contains a wealth of meticulous investigation into all aspects of the aerosol operations and its consequences for human health including the Morgellons catastrophe. He is making it freely available for the good of humanity. You can view and download all his scientific research to date.

Dane Wigington’s site has the best coverage you will find in one place – anywhere on the internet. I doubt there is anyone with a more comprehensive knowledge on the subject. Like Clifford Carnicom Dane has been forced to give up a ‘normal’ life in the pursuit of truth and exposure of this massive crime.

It has become clear to me over the years that there is a common thread that connects all ‘truthers’ as we might describe ourselves. That is that we are all conscience driven. You will never enlighten anyone about chemtrails, corruption or anything else if all they care about is what there might be ‘in it’ for them – or they don’t care about tomorrow. Most people I know are like this to some degree and sadly, I have lost some friends along the way because they didn’t understand and I wasn’t prepared to do all the compromising. Tragically, as ecosystems collapse and species’ become extinct, the weight of stubborn, often arrogant, deniers of geoengineering hinders its cessation.

In sumary, it is my belief that the aerosol program is a joint operation shared by several different groups who’s objectives overlap and who have been forced to work together bound by the need for absolute secrecy. It’s clear that a lot of politicians, scientists and doctors are still in the dark, because they get their information from official sources above them who’ve been told that geoengineering is still just ‘an option’ should we need it.

As for human health, the incidence of Alzheimer’s, Autism, Dementia and many other serious illnesses such as Morgellons has increased dramatically since the spraying started in earnest in the 1990’s. It doesn’t take a genius to understand why the ingredients of aerosols sprayed around the clock in such huge quantities are poisonous to very many life systems including our own.

As hard as it may be to accept, the perpetrators of this agenda know this. It is logical to assume, in that case, that as they have access to such incredibly advanced technology, they must also have the means of protecting themselves. Remember, Agenda 21 is all about massively reducing the world’s population so it may be enjoyed by the surviving elite.

The truth about the geoengineering agenda, like so many other truly important issues of our time, will not be found in your TV set. If you ‘Google’ chemtrails you won’t necessarily get the truth – but you will get over 6 million results. That’s a hell of a conspiracy theory.


Above: One of the many H.A.A.R.P. Ionospheric heater installations. This one is in Alaska.

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