By Paul McGuire
March 4, 2013

Many people are confused, anxious and even terrified about what is soon to come in America. Perhaps the greatest source of fear is not knowing what is going to happen, and people are tempted, perhaps due to mind control, to surrender to fatalism. Nimrod was the creator of the Tower of Babel, which was the center of the first one world government, one world economic system and one world religion. Nimrod was a Rephaim and possessed the DNA of a god man which was produced by the interspecies breeding of fallen angels and human women, which created the race of the Nephilim. Nimrod had super human intelligence and access to technology and science so advanced that modern science is just beginning to discover it.

During the invasion of Iraq, American soldiers recaptured the ancient city of Babylon along with historical relics that may have contained ancient DNA going back to the Tower of Babel. The American military and other major militaries around the world are aggressively interbreeding DNA to produce a Transhumanist super soldier and they may find Nephilim DNA which would make it possible to create a race of god men. This is what Adolph Hitler and the Nazis were using genetic science for in their effort to create a blonde haired and blue eyed master race. Nazi technology and science was deeply connected to legends of advanced beings who came from the stars and established a super race on the legendary island of Thule. According to the ancient Nordic religions this race of super men eventually established a new civilization under the earth called Hyperborea where there was supposedly a burning black sun which generated a supernatural force called the Vril.

In attempting to predict the future of America one must understand that the universe is currently involved in a great cosmic war between Lucifer and God. Lucifer led a rebellion against God with one third of the angels, a revolution where he intended to violently overthrow the throne of God and become God himself. Large numbers of Lucifer’s fallen angels fell to the Earth, and ancient legends across the world point to these fallen angels as supermen or god men who came from the stars with advanced technology, science and supernatural powers. It was this race of god men who built the great monolithic monuments before the Flood and established the super-civilizations like Atlantis and Thule. What is perceived as their occult powers was a combination of supernatural powers and highly advanced scientific technology. I write about this more extensively in my new book, A Prophecy of the Future of America.

The evidence of this can be seen at the founding of America which occurred in 1776, the same year the occult society the Illuminati was founded.

According to Tom Horn in his book Apollyon Rising 2012, “It may come as little surprise then that George W. Bush, in a speech before his second inaugural said the United States had “a calling from beyond the stars” (a disturbing statement taken directly from the Satanic Necronomicon fiction concerning alien creator gods.) The Freemasons used powerful occult symbols in the layout of Washington D.C. which incorporated the Goat of Mendes, the upside-down pentagram of “Baphomet,” which is one of the most powerful symbols of Satanism. Also, the owl figure imbedded in the architectural layout represents the Masonic/ Illuminati owl featured at the Bohemian Grove ceremonies, which invokes the supernatural power of the gods Athene, Minerva, Lilith, and Astarte.

Under the nation’s capitol there are paintings of George Washington playing with these pagan gods and goddesses. These Washington D.C. symbols along with phallic symbol of the Washington Monument and the womb of the Capitol Dome go all the way back to ancient Babylon.

These ancient occult symbols along with the symbols on the Great Seal of the United States and Illuminati symbolism on the back of the U.S. dollar all point to the historical truth that powerful members of the occult secret society of the Rosicrucian’s, such as Sir Francis Bacon, planned for the United States to become the “New Atlantis” and the head of the New World Order. This is why the occult pyramid, which represents the great pyramid of Giza, is on the dollar. This occult pyramid represents the Luciferian organizational structure with the illumined ones of the Illuminati as the secret elite who rule the world. They are represented above the all-seeing eye of Lucifer or the eye of Horus in a triangle. Below the all-seeing eye of Lucifer is the base of the pyramid which represent the slaves of the New World Order, which would be people like you and me. At the bottom of the pyramid at the words Novus Ordo Seclorum which means New Order of the Ages or the New World Order.

This goes back to the legend of Atlantis where there was supposedly a great university which taught all the highly advanced knowledge of the arts, sciences, medicine, technology, supernatural power, and mathematics. At the top of a giant Atlantean pyramid was an astronomical observatory. When Nimrod built the tower of Babel its purpose was to worship the host of Heaven in the stars, which probably involved both literally worshipping the race of god men who came from the stars and practicing the occult and the science of astronomy.

The bird on the dollar really represents, not an eagle, but an occult Phoenix. The word Phoenix comes from the Phoenicians, who supposedly lived around Mt. Hermon, which was the location of an ancient Stargate where a race called the Watchers or gods from the stars would descend to the Earth.

The worship of fallen angels that began before Babylon is a central part of the occult teachings that fit into the establishment of America as the center of the New World Order. Apollo-Osiris, or Nimrod appears in code in the symbolism that is part of Washington D.C. and the Great Seal of the United States. There are numerous references to some kind of god-King like Nimrod who will return from the past to rule the New World Order.

Some believe that the Tomb of Osiris/Apollo/Nimrod is somewhere deep within the Great Pyramid at Giza. If scientists have actually captured the DNA of Nimrod and they are able to bring this god man back to life, this potentially could be a Transhumanist mechanism for bringing in the Antichrist of Revelation. Obviously, that is purely speculation. But a careful study of many of these symbols and their associated legends reveals close similarities to events foretold in the Book of Revelation.

Many do not know the difference between prophecy and fatalism. It is possible to varying degrees to see into the future and know what is going to happen. However, what is not widely known is that within certain parameters the future is not fixed and you are expected to participate actively in the creation of the future.

That statement is difficult for those who have only a superficial understanding of Bible prophecy. Due to a lack of proper study of the prophetic scriptures they do not understand the multi-dimensional architecture of God’s prophetic program. It is true that God’s prophetic program will unfold exactly as He planned it and there is nothing you can do to change it. But they confuse Bible prophecy with fatalism and therefore they do not live the victorious life God planned for them. It is critical that you understand that God is outside time and space. The Supreme Being lives in a dimension called eternity. Included in God’s prophetic plan is authoritative command for people to make decisions with their free will and take bold actions that will affect the outcome of history.

On the three dimensional level people falsely assume that this is some kind of doomed attempt to change God’s prophetic program. However, if you move outside of time and space into eternity you begin to understand that God is Omniscient and can see the end from the beginning. Since this Infinite Personal Living God of the Universe can see into the future and more specifically your future, He has already completed the prophetic program outlined in the prophetic Scripture.

Therefore when He has called upon people in history to do things that changed the outcome of history He has already included that in His planned outcome. In the same way this Infinite Personal Living God of the Universe is calling upon countless numbers of people to respond to His divine call. In all probability this God Who Is There is calling upon you now to help participate in His plan and to choose with an act of your will to take certain actions. Among the infinite mathematical probabilities He has already taken into account the outcome of such actions and included it in His prophetic plan.

It is possible to step outside the matrix of reality which has now resembles a computer generated illusion and understand that if you have the faith of a little child you can access the Keys of the Kingdom, along with the supernatural authority that goes with it. This authority was given to Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. It was also given to the disciples of Jesus Christ who were instructed to pass it on to anyone who would believe. When the term power from on high is used in conveying the Upper Room Experience of the disciples, it is not used in a religious sense. It literally means incredible force and power that can be released into this world for numerous reasons.

One can study Bible prophecy along with the Luciferian plan, but if this study leaves you powerless, you have missed something in your analysis! The Infinite Personal Living God of the Universe has downloaded enormous power into your hands and you are expected to use it. This cannot be perceived on religious terms; it must be perceived on real terms. As such, when faced with opposition of any kind, you must learn how to access this supernatural power and use it. History is not fixed and you have been given the power to change it.

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