as in the days of Noah

source-Mysteries Of The World

Canada On The Verge Of Approving Enviropigs –

Millions Of Canadians Will Soon Be Eating Mouse/Pig



The Canadian government is on the verge of approving the introduction of extremely bizarre genetically modified pigs into the Canadian food supply.  These new mouse/pig hybrids have been dubbed „enviropigs” and are being touted as being much better for the environment.  This new „breed” of Yorkshire pigs was created by scientists in Ontario at the University of Guelph, who spliced in genes from mice to decrease the amount of phosphorus produced in the pigs’ excrement.  So soon millions of Canadians will be eating meat from mouse/pig hybrid creatures and most of them will not even realize it.  It is expected that approval for this new „brand” of pigs will be sought in the United States as well.  But this is hardly the first time that scientists have mixed two kinds of animals together in an attempt to create creatures that will be beneficial for humanity.

The truth is that scientists around the world are now creating bizarre hybrid „animals” on a regular basis.  Over the past couple of decades the field of genetic modification has made extraordinary advances, and now researchers and scientists seem very eager to exploit these new technologies.

So what kind of weird, mysterious creatures have scientists been creating?

Well, what would you think of a cat that glows in the dark?

They really exist.

A genetically modified cat named Mr. Green Genes was the very first fluorescent cat created in the United States.  Under an ultraviolet light, Mr. Green Genes puts off a very strange bright green glow.

So perhaps in the future not only can your cat cuddle up to you and keep you warm – it could also serve as a night light.

But U.S. researchers were not even the first ones to do this to cats.  A team of scientists in South Korea had previously created a cat that glows red under ultraviolet light.

Now why in the world would scientists do this kind of a thing?

Well, because they can.

But scientists have created creatures that are even more bizarre than fluorescent cats.


One Canadian company is actually producing spider goats.

Yes, it is true.  A Canadian company known as Nexia has created goats that are genetically modified to be part spider.

The reason for this bizarre genetic modification is to get goats that will produce spider silk protein in their milk.  This spider silk protein is then collected, purified and spun into incredibly strong fibers.

Reportedly, the fibers that are produced are more durable than Kevlar, more flexible than nylon, and stronger than steel.

This substance has industrial and military applications that are apparently extremely valuable.

But when you tell most people that spider goats exist they will just laugh at you.

If that is the response that you get when you tell someone about spider goats, just show them the following video.

The YouTube video posted below contains a television news report that discusses how these spider goats are created and what this company is doing with the spider silk that these spider goats are producing….



So does all of this tampering with the environment disturb you?

After all, at least scientists are not creating human/animal hybrid creatures, right?


The truth is that human/pig hybrid creatures will soon be legally grown inside of the United States.

This is being publicly announced and almost nobody is getting upset about it.

What is being described as a „cutting edge” new program will actuallyproduce pigs with human genes in them.  These hybrid pigs will be „grown” in order to produce organs for transplants into humans.

Does this bother you?

Perhaps it would bother you more if you knew exactly where these pigs are to be grown.

In Missouri.

That’s right – human/pig hybrids are going to be raised right in the middle of the United States.

So is it possible that such creatures could end up in our food supply?


You don’t think they would ever do that to us?

Don’t be so sure.

The FDA has already announced that the offspring of cloned animals could be in our food supply right now and that there is nothing that they can do about it.

Of course they have plenty of time to conduct military style raids of Amish farmers, but apparently they have no time to figure out if our food supply is tainted by cloned animals.

Yes, this is really happening.

In fact, the FDA has said that it is basically a non-issue to them.

Of course most Americans eat tomatoes with roach genes in them and most Americans eat corn with insecticide grown inside of it on a regular basis, so why should we get upset about what is in our meat?

So does any of this seem incredibly evil to you?

It should.

That is because all of this is incredibly evil.

Creating bizarre hybrid creatures is not a new thing.

Did you know that the 3000 year old book of Jasher (a book of ancient history that is quoted in the Biblical books of Joshua and II Samuel) speaks of genetic engineering that was going on in the days of Noah?

It is true.  How they did it remains a great unexplained mystery, but according to ancient sources this is apparently what was going on.

Jasher 4:18 tells us this….


„and the sons of men in those days took from the cattle of the earth, the beasts of the field and the fowls of the air, and taught the mixture of animals of one species with the other, in order therewith to provoke the Lord”

According to the book of Jasher, God was not pleased at all that they were corrupting the wonderful environment that He had created for all of us.

This mixing of animals is also reflected in the ancient book of Enoch.  The book of Enoch is directly quoted by the book of Jude in the New Testament, and it tells us a great deal about what was going on in the world before the Flood.  Enoch 7:14 tells us this….

And they began to sin against birds, beasts, reptiles, and fish, to eat their flesh one after another, and to drink their blood.

So apparently they were not only mixing animals together – they were eating them too.

Just like we are starting to do.

But instead of learning the lessons of the past we are making the same mistakes.

We think that we are so „technologically advanced”, but the reality is that we are just indulging in the same foolishness as they did in the ancient world.

So what is so wrong with genetic modification?

The truth is that once you let the genie out of the bottle you can’t put it back in.

We have found that out with genetically modified crops.  Natural strains can literally be bred into extinction once strains of genetically modified crops become widespread enough.

We may think that we are improving the environment through our reckless experimentation, but what if our best efforts go horribly, horribly wrong?

The unintended consequences of our reckless genetic meddling may be far worse than any of us ever imagined.

The reality is that God said not to mix plants and animals together like this.

But we are doing it anyway.

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